What led to yesterdays post? Really nothing in particular. I wasn't getting at any one blogger or talking about any one design specifically. In fact I sat down to write a post about what a lovely day we all had visiting my Nana and for some reason a complete different post appeared on the screen.
I did wonder about deleting it. I don't have much desire to cause problems or be controversial, but I guess that must have been brewing away just under the surface.
I do stand by what I said though (however dreadfully written - sorry I was very tired last night) and I was really interested to see what you had to say on the subject too. But I do want to make it clear here and now, that if you are sitting there thinking "Does she mean me? Is she getting at me?" , then it's a straightforward answer of no, I'm not.
Sorry if the colours have been a little strange around here lately - in fact I would be grateful if someone could let me know if the photo's have been looking weird. I'm still not really sure what I'm doing with the MacBook.
This cushion is part of a commission that I've been working on. Although this sort of work is very traditional I really enjoy it. I would love to be thought of as cutting edge but I accepted a long time ago that I'm never going to be. And I just do enjoy making things that are pretty - which would be seen as a little strange if you could see how I used to look when I was growing up. Can you say Punk Rock? Mohicans, multi-coloured hair, bondage trousers, you name it, I did it. And yet here I am only 10 years later, making doll quilts with frills and pink girly cushions! Never saw it coming. Never.