Today was my first day alone in the house in over 4 weeks. I started it with big plans, but very quickly realised that the combination of being so big and so pregnant just isn't conducive to achieving very much. I spent most of the day moving very slowly between one small project and another and trying to decided which was more important, sleep or work. Eventually I gave in and spent the last part of the afternoon dozing in bed.
It feels like I wasted some very precious time alone, but I think I just need to be realistic at the moment and face up to the fact that I can only do so much. I did manage to make a new cushion though but more of that another day.
This tote was designed as a Christmas present for a family member, but I'm so pleased with it that I'm going to be making a few more to put in the shop as soon as I can.
Actually that's one of my big plans - to do a big update before the bebe turns up (has anyone else noticed that I keep referring to her arrival as though she's just going to appear, rather than causing me untold hours of agony first? Hmmm...). I would really like to get the shop pretty full in the next couple of weeks so that I don't feel too removed from it once we are four, but if today is anything to go by, that may be nothing more than hopeful thinking. There will at least be a new litter of puppies available though ( I put my time in hospital to good use).